P.O. Box 664, Danville, WV
(304) 369-0361

Our history
John F. "Jack" Tillinghast surveyed the forests of America's coal fields when the United States Government was concerned that there might not be enough timber to keep the coal mines open to fight the second World War. Several landowners that he met during that survey were impressed with the young man from Michigan and hired him to manage their forests. He was one of the first full-time consulting foresters in America. Jack Tillinghast hung out his shingle in 1946 and started this forestry consulting firm.
O.O. "Boone" Neely, Jr., joined Marvin Reed, Jack's partner, in 1960 while Jack was consulting with the nation of Iran to jump start its forest products industry. When Marvin moved his family to Ohio, Jack and Boone formed Tillinghast & Neely Consulting Foresters. Boone brought the same type of wide ranging experience, energy and integrity that also defined Jack Tillinghast.
Daniel M. Parker bought Tillinghast & Neely in 1993 after working as an independent consultant to T&N through his firm, Forest Resources Management, which he had established in 1978.
The knowledge and experience gained from tending forests for well over seven decades allows an understanding not taught at even the best schools of how to achieve your forest management goals. This understanding goes far beyond knowledge of sulvicultural and forest inventory systems. It is an understanding of the ebbs and flows of timber harvests and timber markets, of regeneration and renewal.
Nearly three quarters of a century of long-term management have yielded an understanding of how wealth really grows in the forest, how to protect it, how to work with nature to build it and nurture it, how to sell it, and how to sustain it. It is a hard won understanding.
It is experience that can work for you.